The Filters panel is a set of controls in Activity center whereby you can filter your list of projects and activities with great precision.
You can add new or remove unwanted filters.
Adding a filter
- Go to Activity center.
- Clickon the toolbar.
- Click + on the top of the Filters panel.
- You will see a list of filters with switches next to them. Active filters have their switches turned on . Accordingly, the switch of an inactive filter is turned off .
- Turn on the switch of the filter you want to be activated.
- It will be added to the list of active filters on the Filters panel.
Filter categories
The filters are divided in the following categories:
- Status,
- Resources & constraints,
- Time,
- Budget & cost,
- Billable,
- Billed,
- Profit,
- Progress,
- Projects, customers & more,
- Custom fields.
Each category in turn consists of filters activated by a switch that give you a wide range of filtering options. For example, you can easily bring up a list of only those projects that are in progress and with activity progress between 25 and 75%.
Clearing filters
You can clear filters either individually or all at once.
To clear a filter:
- Click in the toolbar.
- Click the Clear filters button next to the filter you want cleared.
To clear all applied filters:
- Clickin the toolbar.
- Click the Clear all filters button on the header of the Filters panel.
Deleting a filter
To remove a filter from the active ones:
- Clickin the toolbar.
- Click + on the header of the Filters panel.
- Turn off the switch of the filter you want removed.
Accessing filters
To access the filters:
- Go to Activity center.
- Clickon the toolbar.
- This will open the Filters panel on the right of the screen.
Combining filters
You can combine filters in any sequence and number.
As you add a filter, a new box is added to a chain of filters above the grid of projects. A plus sign + connects each pair of boxes. When the line of filters reaches the right margin of the page, the chain will wrap to a new line.
The filters are combined using the AND logic. It means that if you apply two mutually contradicting filters, the result will be null. This is because both filters are applied at the same time, and they will cancel each other out.