The Birdview Microsoft Teams bot allows you to convert MS Teams chats into actionable Birdview activities. Conversely, you can view a Birdview activity by inserting its URL in the message bar whereby it will be displayed as a card with some basic data about the task, i.e. name, status, and assignees. Birdview for Microsoft Teams allows you to convert MS Teams chats into actionable Birdview activities. Conversely, you can view a Birdview activity by inserting its URL in the message bar whereby it will be displayed as a card with some basic data about the task, i.e. name, status, and assignees.
Adding Birdview to MS Teams
- Sign in to MS Teams .
- Click Apps .
- Type "Birdview PSA" in the search bar.
- Select Birdview by Logic Software Inc.
Installing the Birdview Teams bot
Now that you have added Birdview to MS Teams apps, you need to install a special program, called bot, to carry data to and from your Birdview account.
- Type "login" in the MS Teams message bar and click Enter.
- A dialog box will appear asking you to type in your BV account name.
- Click Continue.
- You will be asked to allow the Teams bot to access your BV account - click Allow.
- The bot will be installed automatically.
Signing in to Birdview
To be able to communicate to your Birdview account you need to sign in to your BV account from inside MS Teams .
- Type "login" in the message bar. A search result suggestion "Login to Birdview PSA Account" will appear.
- Click Enter to proceed.
Displaying BV activities in MS Teams
You can view BV activities as cards in MS Teams by posting links to them.
To view a task, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your Birdview account in a separate window.
- Open Activity Center.
- Click the activity you want to be displayed in MS Teams .
- Copy the link to the activity .
- Get back to MS Teams and paste the URL in the message bar.
- A card representing the activity will appear (see the picture below for an example).
- To post the card, click Send.
Creating a BV activity from MS Teams
You can create activities right from MS Teams .
- Go to the chat you would like to create a BV activity from.
- Click '...' on a pop-up toolbar just the above chat as you place the mouse pointer on it.
- Select More actions.
- Click Create task.
- On the dialog box that opens, type the activity name.
- Specify a destination project.
- Type a description (optional).
- Click Create.
- A card representing the task will be created. Now you can access it in Birdview by clicking View task.
MS Teams bot notifications
The Teams bot has a built-in notification system. When a notification event occurs, the system will send a notification to inform you about the event.
Notification events include:
- new assignments,
- new approval requests (NOT when someone approves or rejects YOUR approval request, only if the request is asked from YOU),
- messages containing @-mentions referring to the logged-in user,
- messages and files attached in tasks that the logged-in user is following.
You can enable notifications to be received via the Teams bot and disable them at any time.
To enable notifications:
- Click the text bar and wait for the Suggestions menu to open.
- Select Notifications settings.
- Click Send to post the command.
- Click Edit notification settings.
- Select the Enable notifications option.
- Click Save.