Changing date format
English (United Kingdom) [en-GB] language has the dd/mm/yyyy date format and week starts on Monday, while English (United States) [en-US] has mm/dd/yyyy date format and Sunday as the week's starting day.
The settings to change depend on the browser you are using:
- Chrome: Settings > Languages.
- Firefox: Options > Language and Appearance > Language.
- Edge:Settings > Languages.
DD/MM format
To have the dd/mm/yyyy format in Birdview (using the Chrome browser as an example):
- Add English (United Kingdom) to list of available languages, if not shown.
- Click the additional options on the right end of the row and choose Move to the top.
- Go back to your Birdview page and refresh it for the change to take effect.
MM/DD format
To switch to the mm/dd/yyyy format in Birdview:
- Add English (United States) to list of available languages, if not shown.
- Click the additional options on the right end of the row and choose Move to the top.
- Go back to your Birdview page and refresh it for the change to take effect.
First day of the week
As you change the preferred language, the first day of the week changes accordingly.